Complaints Policy and Procedure

Policy Statement

Go Gift Yourself aims to provide customers, suppliers and anyone we meet with excellent customer service. Go Gift Yourself takes complaints very seriously, we aim to address any complaints and find a reasonable solution promptly. We strive to minimise any problems from arising, however we do understand this can't always be the case.

What is a deemed a complaint?

Complaints are defined as any expression of dissatisfaction or problem from the customer regarding a product or service.

Go Gift Yourself wishes that any complaint regarding a product, customer service, delivery, payment or any other matter be brought to our attention immediately so we can resolve it.

Dealing with Complaints

Although we strive for excellence, mistakes do happen and sometimes events outside of our control occur.

In the event, that a problem arises, we advise that complaints be addressed in writing by email. Please include the following in your complaint:

  • Your name
  • Order number or customer reference number
  • The problem in which has occurred; details about the product or service
  • Who served you; whether it be online, over the phone or upon delivery
  • The date and time of the occurrence
  • The address where the product was sent
  • The outcome you wish to receive whether a replacement, refund, return or redelivery etc.
  • Photos or screenshots of the product or service
  • Attach a proof of purchase such as invoice, or email confirmation
  • Your Contact details; including a phone number and email address.

For Example;

Hi, my name is ____________ and my order number is ___________________.

I purchased a ______________ on the 00/00/00 at 00:00. The product was delivered to ________________ on the 00/00/00 around 00:00 pm. Upon delivery I realised that it was broken/ not as expected/ water damaged/other. I was hoping you could give me a replacement/ refund or organise a return/ redelivery. Β I have attached photos of the product and the email I received.

You can contact me on 0412345678 or this email.


Procedure for Complaints

All complaints can be sent to, we prefer that you make contact as soon as possible. This not only ensures we can speak to all necessary parties involved but we can compensate you as soon as possible.

Upon receiving your complaint, we will speak to the necessary parties involved and reply back to you. This should not take longer than 7 days. Depending on the situation we will inform you of a timeframe relating to the matter. If the issue takes longer than 7 days to resolve, we will update you regularly. Most complaints will be resolved upon first contact. If appropriate we may offer discounts, free gifts or a full refund and redelivery. This is in addition to your consumer rights of a replacement, refund, or return. You can find full details regarding compensation here.

All details of your complaint will be kept recorded and confidential, this is to help with minimising future issues and to ensure you receive the utmost care and consideration with your issue.

Minimising Future Issues

Go Gift Yourself has in place a quality review process of all Complaints and Processes; which means all complaints recorded will be regularly checked for trends and processes for errors and effectiveness. You may also be asked to fill in a survey to understand how you felt about the compensation you received and the process in which it was handled.